martes, octubre 11, 2005


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Es mexicano según quien:

Según nuestra constitución que lo ampara como tal al adquirir la nacionalidad por naturalización, de forma que no es un mexicano de segunda clase sino uno mas como todos nosotros con los mismos derechos y obligaciones.

No es Mexicano según quien:

Según la Femexfut en el torneo local pues lo cuentan como extranjero en la capital, según los juristas mierdones del fut nacional que aseguran que solo mexicanos de nacimiento deben de integrar el combinado Tricolor.

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El guille para mi es:

Un buen goleador que merece probarse como mexicano en una cancha de juego echar el alma por delante y meter goles que mucho hacen falta, de ahí a que lo logre dependerá de el pero algo si vale la pena decir, y es que no debemos de discriminar la clase ni el estilo aquel que escoge una patria para defenderla sin haber nacido en ella requiere de mucho valor pues el renunciar en cierta forma a una querencia e identidad por otra es sin duda un acto de valor loable, no de traición, para mi pues el Guille tiene la misa oportunidad de triunfar en la selección como cualquier otro mexicano y si no por que no tratamos mal a otros naturalizados que son orgullo de México como Placido Domingo por ejemplo, tenemos doble moral y poca memoria no cabe duda...

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At 7:12 a.m., Blogger El Fabo said...

chale ahora hasta en los blogs hay publicidad pendeja jajaja... que poca abuela...

At 8:23 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi El Fabo,
My excitement grows as I read more of what you have here...
I'm a little embarrassed to say it but when was out looking for making out french kissing information I found your post: this post and had to stop for a read. I sicerely appreciate you blog topic... I'm considering making a blog about making out french kissing and I should probably stop by here more often to watch how you do this great job.. I always love looking through other poeples blogs and reading the posts (especially yours!) I don't know if you like other blogs or want to check out mine, but I think you've done a quality job.

It's great to be here on your blog, thanks.

At 7:24 a.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi El Fabo,
My excitement grows as I read more of what you have here...
I'm a little embarrassed to say it but when was out looking for french kissing tips information I found your post: this post and had to stop for a read. I sicerely appreciate you blog topic... I'm considering making a blog about french kissing tips and I should probably stop by here more often to watch how you do this great job.. I always love looking through other poeples blogs and reading the posts (especially yours!) I don't know if you like other blogs or want to check out mine, but I think you've done a quality job.

It's great to be here on your blog, thanks.

At 4:20 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

El Fabo, could I ask if you are doing this all yourself or do you have a special website person creating all this for you? If it's you, I say wow and good job. Maybe you can give me some tips on my making out site if you have time. I don't know if you're interested in making out stuff, but it's 'the place' to go for that. Well, just though I'd drop by and say "YOU'RE AWESOME!!" and that you have a nice blog.

Seeeee ya later.

At 3:05 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Bula El Fabo, I'm over in Fiji on vacation ('Bula' is hello in Fijian) I found an internet connection and decided to start research for my french kissing technique site... just found your totally awesome blog and had to dive right in! Your post "this post" is interesting, not really about french kissing technique stuff but certainly worth my time. I'll be bookmarking you so I can spend more time here when I get home. Hopefully you don't mind if I come back (I could also tell my friends... they'd like this)

Okay El Fabo, have a nice day...

Bula (goodbye in Fijian :)

At 12:06 p.m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

Okay El Fabo, I don't know if you can help me, but I think maybe you will understand. I see all this crazy blog spam everywhere (I see some here) and I'm wondering if you know how we can stop it. I just have a site about making out french kissing, and I can't even go find information on making out french kissing without having to filter through all the junk. My blog gets totally bombarded with this rediculously spam. I hope you're not as frustrated as my self. Anyway, good luck with your blog, and let me know if you have any ideas...



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